If you are new to REAPER or an old hand with the software, my guess is that REAPER Explained from Groove 3 is a video tutorial worth having.

Kenny is sharp and fast, there’s no padding on these videos, but at the same time every one of them is a veritable feast of learning. The great thing about them is that you learn in a way that doesn’t feel like learning, I just found myself constantly saying ‘shit I didn’t know it did that!’.

Highlights for me were the ‘Matrix’ and the ‘Takes’ sessions, although every session is filled with excellent tutorials, tips and tricks.

Kenny’s accent makes one think they are in an episode of ‘The Soprano’s’ but that just adds to the fun of learning.

REAPER Explained from Groove 3 is a must have – sell your bed and buy it!
[xrr rating=5/5]



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