A few simple tips for organizing your growing list of fx chains and track templates.

* You can use folders with track templates
* You can use emojis in folder names for even better visual separation
* The fx browser will show all your fx chains in one big list alphabetically, which can be filtered.
* emojis in your folder names also appear in the FX browser after restart or scan for new plugin. (not shown in this video)
* in OSX/macOS you can press Control+Command+Spacebar to bring up the emoji keyboard









2 responses to “Tips for organizing track templates and fx chains in REAPER 5”

  1. tomwilkowske Avatar

    Jon, it seems like there are a ton of places where you can customize Reaper. Maybe could you do a refresher on how to make sure you save all of your customizations (like this and others) when you do the oh-so-frequent Reaper upgrades?

  2. Rob van Hees Avatar
    Rob van Hees

    When doing Reaper upgrades, you don’t have to backup all your customisations;
    They should just keep working in higher versions of Reaper.

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