I have a pretty good ear for sibilance but I don’t tend to use DeEssing much in my mixes. Maybe I’ve just been lucky lately and my clients know how to pick a good mic for vocals. I DeEss reverbs more often than lead vocals actually. There are a ton of ways to tackle this problem, so here are my top 4 ways to DeEss without using a DeEsser.

Source Audio

For all the examples I’ve used the same source. My friend Jordan’s demo of the MXL V67G with RK47 capsule upgrade. The capsule upgrade was a remarkable improvement but still quite sibilant on his voice.

1 – Manual volume adjustment

Zooming in, it’s usually easy to see an Ess in the waveform. By using the “clip gain” function (or a pre-FX volume control) you can trim the Esses down by 2-6dB. If you have compressed the voice heavily you may be surprised at how aggressive you need to be with these volume changes. In this example I’ve done no processing, just trimmed the level of the item down around at the Esses. Breaths have also been reduced. I use this technique most, even with a DeEsser plugin for extra control over clicks, breaths etc.

manually editing item gain
manually editing item gain

2 – Compressor Internal Sidechain

A lot of compressor plugins have the option of filtering the audio used to trigger the compression, a sidechain filter. In REAPER’s ReaComp I used the “preview filter” option to listen to the sidechain and isolate the sibilance. I then adjusted the compressor to react quickly to get about 4dB of GR.

Using the internal detector filter of ReaComp
Using the internal detector filter of ReaComp

3 – Compressor External Sidechain

Another way of doing this is using the compressor with an external sidechain source, from another track. In this case it’s a duplicate of the voice that has been EQ’d to accentuate the problem area. This filtered voice is sent to channels 3-4 of the main voice and it’s main output is disabled. In ReaComp the detector input is changed to auxiliary. This is a little more complicated to set up but is more flexible with the filtering options.

routing for external sidechain DeEssing in Reaper with ReaComp
routing for external sidechain DeEssing in Reaper with ReaComp

DeEssed voice

Sidechain signal

4 – Multiband Compressor

A multiband compressor can also be used to reduce sibilance. With this method only the high-mid/high frequencies are reduced, rather than the entire frequency range. I’ve used REAPER’s ReaXcomp with a few dB of gain reduction in band 3 and 4 only.

ReaXcomp as a deEsser
ReaXcomp as a deEsser

With all the techniques above, and with a dedicated de-esser, care must be taken to keep the sound natural. Too much gain reduction will make ith thound like a lithp and you really don’t want that.

[originally published on AudioGeekZine July 2013]






5 responses to “4 ways to DeEss a vocal (without a DeEsser)”

  1. pim Avatar

    Eq automation on the spot of the Sss …ore volume decresse had some good results with that in the past

  2. Jonathan Avatar

    Great tips thanks

  3. jafmusicmix Avatar

    Nice post Jon. Thanks!

  4. dsa Avatar

    I tried A LOT of de-esser plugins but they always fall short. Currently the best way (though tedious) for me is to put the included “JS: Volume Adjustment” plugin, set the main parameter to an envelope and do all the de-essing there manually. The “add 4 points” action shortcut helps a lot on this task.
    The good thing about this technique is the ammount of control on each sibilance, the possibility to adjust where the de-esser goes on the chain (I always de-esse after compressor) and it’s also easier to undo/disable.

  5. Joe Helias Avatar
    Joe Helias

    5 – Dynamic EQ (like TDR Nova)

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