This tip can potentially save you 30% of your editing time, just by playing back the media faster than realtime. It sounds weird but it works!



Something I’ve been experimenting with over the past few months has been editing my podcast and videos with a faster playrate. When you’re mostly taking out ums, pauses, stumbles and coughs it works great. If a gap feels too long at 1.3x playrate, it’s way too long at 1x.

Higher playrate plus efficient keyboard shortcuts for trimming items gets 90% of the work done quickly.

It’s a weird trick but it’s really helped in the past few months to reduce the time and effort of editing.

I hope you can find this useful as well.




4 responses to “How to edit 30% faster ! Editing dialog, podcasts, video content in less time”

  1. Bryan Hilliard Avatar
    Bryan Hilliard

    This is very helpful.
    Also, the subject matter on the sample pod cast is something I really need to hear. Is this a new one? Or is this an old one that I can get the link for?

    1. Admin Avatar

      This is from episode 53 of The Mastering Show

  2. Djura Avatar

    Old news for me, I used this trick for over 2-3 years. I use sometimes 2x speed and going through the content is so fast… Still, you must be super concentrated to not miss a thing on higher pay rates. Saved me days and weeks probably.

  3. Emanuele Avatar

    In Reaper it’s very easy. In Pro Tools there’s the shuttle mode but it’s not so convenient to use, and it can’t listen to the whole mix, afaik, just one or two tracks at a time, and it pitches the audio.

    I also use the opposite “trick”: I play at 0.5 rate when I listen for saliva clicks to clean (I work for advertising, so everything must be super clean).

    As a not-completely-unrelated note, I often watch some YouTube videos at 1.25 or 1.5 rate, especially Kenny Gioia’s ones.

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